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Whether affixed to the front of a country cabin or attached to an urban tenement, porches have witnessed — and fostered — the birth of a lot of great American music, and a lot of great American talents.


Tapping into that tradition, and preserving it, I'm celebrating The Porch in a filmed docu-series and also staged theater performances.  At my first cycle of live shows in Richmond, VA, I brought roots musicians, bards, and storytellers to a transplanted Appalachian porch in a downtown theater, where we explored the music and lore that's been created and kept alive on American porches. 


Join me on an odyssey to explore this mystical musical incubator — the American porch.  It's where American music was born, and where it lives again.      

- Christian D'Andrea



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From the live show (for broadcaster review only)

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"Forget Kevlar. I put on the Full Armor of God," "Legalize Patriotism," "Front Toward Frenemy," "Helos Inbound... FOB Paradise... Cover Your Drinks," "Helo Tow-ins," "Death Fears Us," "IRAQSTAR," and the 10th peak design are all ©Story Foundry LLC 2020-2022, used here under license.  TacticalUnicorn™ and Saskvetch™ are trademarks of Story Foundry LLC, also used here under license. 

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